Saturday, March 21, 2020

Corona Virus Panic

How are you today? How do you handle the corona virus in your household? Well, Its been 2 weeks that I can see the results of how panic the people in our area. When you go to stores people tend to buy a lot of stuff even hoarding it.

What is corona virus is about? This virus is disease in which it cause the respiratory illness just like the flu. (Google) The symptoms involves coughing, fever, and difficulty of breathing. But it takes a few days to see the result of the virus in a person. What can you do to prevent it? You need to wash your hands within 20 seconds, do not touch your face, and you need to about physical contact.

I am not really experts of this corona virus but all of us wants to be safe from it so I know you read and watch it online or in TV about all of this so please keep safe and follow correct guidelines. Wear a mask and stay at home if necessary. God bless us all. Keep safe.


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